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Products with this mark can be provided within 48h - separate maximum order values may apply here. In addition, there is a surcharge of 25 euros and possibly separate freight costs

Available at short notice


Grouped product items
6kt-Shr.Sperrz.M 5x 10-5.6-A3B *
Material-No. 6047759
Deliverable within ca. - days Request replacement time loading... The replacement time depends on the product quantity.
each 1 PCE
Express order processing

Ready for dispatch within 48 hours after order confirmation. Express surcharge is 10% of the order value, but at least 25 €. Please always order express products in a separate order - mixed shipping (express and regular) is not possible.

K-Shr.ISO10644-M 5 x 12-8.8-A2B-S1 *
Material-No. 6047760
Deliverable within ca. - days Request replacement time loading... The replacement time depends on the product quantity.
each 1 PCE
Express order processing

Ready for dispatch within 48 hours after order confirmation. Express surcharge is 10% of the order value, but at least 25 €. Please always order express products in a separate order - mixed shipping (express and regular) is not possible.

K-Shr.ISO10644-M 6 x 10-8.8-A2B-S1 *
Material-No. 6047761
Deliverable within ca. - days Request replacement time loading... The replacement time depends on the product quantity.
each 1 PCE


CAD data can’t be found at the product category level. Instead, it can be found directly at an individual product level.
Handles SW 06-22
Product brochure EN

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