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Standard EN ISO 12100:2010, EN 60204-1:2018, EN 61000-6-2:2005, EN 61000-6-4:2007 + A1:2011, EN ISO 13732-1:2008, EN ISO 4413:2010, EN 894-1:1997 + A1:2008
Supplementary details Z=without
Clogging indicator D4=VM 2 D.0 / -L24
Filtration rating Z=w/o filter element
Filter material Z=w/o filter element
Filter size 3=Element 2600
Electric motor voltage N=380-420V-50Hz;440-480-60Hz
Motor-pump group 6=40l/min; 1.5kW
Seals P=NBR (Perbunan)
Type code 10=Standard
Versions S=stationary with switching


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FC 5000 FluidController - Coolant applications
Product brochure EN

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